Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Straight Talk Express Derailed?

John McCain cultivates the image and reputation of being the unusual -- a straight-talking politician. He's gone a little wobbly on this since he has been running for President, trying to woo the conservative "base". David Brooks wrote a column last week, defending his somewhat more crooked talk of recent years, that required ignoring or discounting a lot of evidence that even Brooks cited.

The Carpetbagger has updated a running list of documented flip-flops by St. McCain. Any politician is going to have a record of flip-flops to some degree. Any thinking person will change his or her mind on some things over time, of course. McCains's lengthy recent record, however, should at least disqualify him from his status, according to Brooks, of one who "has also battled concentrated power more doggedly than any other legislator." Oy.

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