Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another Disastrous Consequence of the Bush Years

The Carpetbagger, along with Talking Points Memo, connect the dots on the consequences of all the unfilled appointments piling up for Executive branch appointments. This is the result of taking seriously Grover Norquist's famous comment about "shrinking government until it is small enough to drown in the bathtub." One way to do it is to essentially shut down the government for lack of leadership. This is certainly an impeachable offense, not enforcing the laws of the land, but the Bushies assume nobody will take them on for not executing their sworn responsibilities with less than a year left.

This is the modern Republican Party, dedicated to not running the government because, as Reagan taught them all, "government is bad". If these guys get in again, the toll of disasters unattended and services deteriorated will increase exponentially. McCain, as the de facto leader now of this bankrupt and corrupt party, signs up for the whole philosophy of drowning the shrunken baby.

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