Friday, March 21, 2008

Rev. Wright was QUOTING Ambassador Peck of the Reagan Administration

This is amazing to me. The Rev. Wright "chickens coming home to roost" speech which is the focus of so much controversy is actually Wright quoting from Ambassador Peck of the Reagan Administration, who himself was referencing Malcom X.

Watch the speech, particularly the 3 minute mark.

"Fox News LIED about Rev. Wright. See 9/11 video in context watch! — Rev. Wright's message is quite different from what Fox News reported it to be. His "chicken's roost" comment, for example, was a quote from a white US Ambassador who annoyed the Fox News commentators with his remarks concerning 9/11. Wright said the attack on the US was an unthinkable act of violence, and urged Americans to realign with God."

Now Obama needs to disavow Peck too, I guess? Can you say, "manufactured controversy?"

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