Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Good Summary of Where the Democratic Race Stands

The Carpetbagger has put together a very useful summary of numbers vs. spin in the Democratic race. You can't help but conclude that it is over. Clinton can't conceivably win, unless Obama some how blows up, as in the old political saw, "is caught in bed with a dead woman or live boy." But Obama is not going to blow up with race-baiting, experience-touting slurs. He's way too cool. It's over, Hillary. Be classy and fold your tent.

There are still eight states and two territories yet to vote. Couldn’t Clinton yet claim the popular vote lead? There are multiple reports explaining why that’s highly unlikely.

I suppose different Dems will have different priorities in terms of metrics, but if I were a superdelegate, I’d rank the data points in this order:

1. Pledged delegates
2. Popular votes
3. States won
4. Money raised
5. Polls

If one candidate has most, or all, of these metrics wrapped up, then it’s time to end the nominating process, start bringing the party together behind the winner, and get ready for the general election.

If Clinton can’t catch Obama in the popular vote totals, then we’re getting pretty close to that point.

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