Saturday, April 7, 2007

Where Is the Professionalism?

This post from Firedoglake hits on a point that has been gnawing at me, but Christy covers it much better than I could. The shenanigans at the Justice Department is usually framed in terms of the legalities and politics of the policies and decisions of the Bushies. But aren't these people accredited lawyers, members of the bar, and sworn employees of our government? What about ethical and professional standards and behaviors? Why wouldn't Monica Goodling be disbarred for refusing, as an officer of the court and a member of the bar, to testify to anything before congress? Read Christy to get your blood boiling.

...he could be talking about any number of career prosecutors or law enforcement types around the country — people who have put their time, their intellect, sometimes even their lives on the line to make their communities a safer, better place. Most of these folks want to do the right thing in terms of enforcing the law while balancing a commitment to the constitution, to civil liberties and to justice.

The Bush Administration's attempt to put a heavy thumb on the scales of justice that emphasizes political loyalty above all else perverts the system, and endangers our commitment to the rule of law. Political fealty and electoral mathematics are not, nor should they ever be, the primary considerations in prosecutorial decisions. And respect for the hard-earned wisdom of actually doing the work — day in and day out, long hour after long hour, autopsy photo after autopsy photo, brief after brief after brief after argument after brief…the fact that these dedicated public servants were being judged by wet-behind-the-ears political loyalists who were interested solely in the Rule of Karl makes me beyond angry.

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