Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bill Moyers's Coverage of the Press's Lickspittles

I saw Bill Moyer's PBS show last night and it was riveting, like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Very little was new or surprising, but to see the complicity of the press with the Bushie run-up to the war play out over time, incident upon incident, lick upon lick, was disgusting. Christy of Firedoglake has a great reaction piece to it. Go to it, but this is the money quote: "certainty of the evidence on something like this is a dead giveaway that someone is selling you a load of crap." Recall, also, that to Dick Cheney, a 1% chance of a WMD being used against us calls for us to take military action NOW. Think about how perverted that is, given that assessing something to have a 1% chance of happening is down in the mud of "knowability" and therefore a blank check to do ANYTHING.

Glenn Greenwald also weighs in on Moyers's treatment of the failure of the MSM.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Great post, you beat me to it. I saw most the Moyer's show online last night and it is chilling how post-9/11 patriotism and fear was exploited to promote and execute this immoral and ultimately botched war.