Monday, April 21, 2008

Network Journalism: No More

The blockbuster NYT report on the corrupt military experts the networks and cable stations constantly trot out is summarized well here. There is some question that this Pentagon project is even legal (improperly funded propaganda), but it is certainly deceptive and dishonest on the part of the ex-officers and, probably, by the news organizations; they had to know. Note that none have even responded to or mentioned the story, circling the wagons of course. Nobody should be surprised at this mainpulation of the press, it that it is clearly and inarguable documented now. Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex. We have now advanced to the military-industrial-media complex, practically the definition of fascism:
The article has at least three tracks: One, the Pentagon deploying the analysts (some 75 in number) and the TV outlets happy to run with them; two, the analysts' further conflict-of-interest in being tied to defense contractors with billions of dollars invested in the war effort; three, the complete lack of interest by the TV outlets in either of the first two connections, or ignoring what they did know. In fact, the networks raised no objections to the Pentagon paying for trips by the analysts.

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