Monday, February 26, 2007

"Support Our Troops"

The subject refrain has become the chant of those who continue to support the failed policy of the war. It has already become as empty as the previous, and equally mindless, and now thoroughly discredited slogan, "cut-and-run". But the Bushies have no other point to make. The authoritarianism of the dead-enders leaves them snarling another empty phrase for the lack of any other effective talking points. And so we will hear it again and again.

So how to respond? This lays out the blunt counterpoint of "SAVE our troops". "Support our troops" is dishonest on so many levels -- inadequate armor provided, insufficient troops in the first place, inadequate funding for returning vets, terrible conditions at Walter Reed and other stateside military hospitals, failure to seal the borders of Iraq, failure to guard ammunition stored in Iraq, forcing multiple tours of duty with inadequate rest and refitting, decimated equipment and stores for reserve and regular army units, etc., etc. -- that is bound to become self-evidently a complete joke. Bush will never back out of Iraq, and "save our troops", because he prefers to sacrifice lives and national treasure to "support his ego", not "support our troops":

...the troops remain in Iraq, and will remain there indefinitely absent some Congressional action, in order to send a message that the Republican presidency of George W. Bush is not a failure.

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