Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have taken a hiatus from blogging since the election. Also, some personal issues have absorbed my time recently. However, I am restarting this blog with a new emphasis: posting data and charts that clearly explain and analyze the greater economic, social, and political issues we all face. Too often the issues, analyses, and prescriptions put forward by our political leaders and, even more discouragingly, by our "independent" national press, are incorrect, misleading, or diversionary. When I see a chart or data-based analysis that clarifies or illuminates a supposedly debatable point, I will post it so that over time, this blog will become a repository of solid data to counter much of the pervasive blather and bullshit. By using the Labels feature, it will be easy to collect the key data by subject, such as Health Care.

Let's see how this goes over time. There will be some backing and filling for a while as I reconnect with information I have noted over recent months.

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