Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baghdad Hillary

Hillary lost me a while ago when she started adopting the actions I've abhorred from the Repubs: endless spin and manipulation, selective memory, dishonest argument, and continual moving of the goalposts. For many months I had been agnostic on Hillary vs. Obama. Her irrationality and dishonesty now threatens the run against McCain (I still think Barack is going to win comfortably), but it also tarnishes the Democratic brand as the clear-thinking, honest party. I'm not the only one. Yukkk.
Huff Post:

"Every time she claims she has a popular majority, she's shattering whatever ceasefire exists and making it that much more likely that her supporters stay home come November. If she really wants a united party, she needs to stop, and the media and the superdelegates need to hold her accountable."

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