Friday, January 4, 2008

On a Permanent War Footing

This Glenn Greenwald post lays out the painfully obvious with some devastating charts thrown in. the US is an Empire and a warmongering one at that. Let's not keep kidding ourselves. The military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about has in fact taken over. Even the major Democratic candidates are all proposing to increase the size of the military over the already incredibly bloated levels of today. We have no powerful enemies other than ourselves. Do read his whole post.

In indisputable sum, we are the world's empire, in a state of permanent war readiness. In American politics and policy, there is no distinction between "peacetime" and "war." We're the most militarized country in the world by far, on permanent war footing, far beyond what anyone could ever remotely argue is necessary for "defense" or a "strong defense," no matter how broad a definition one wants to adopt for those terms.

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