Friday, August 24, 2007

Spin is Too Weak a Term for This

McClatchy has completely outclassed the MSM in its coverage of Iraq. They consistently report the plain and obvious facts, not the "message". Here, Joseph L. Galloway, their military correspondent simplyrecounts the continually shifting public rationales from the Cheney/Bushies on why we are pouring our national treasure down the Iraq rat hole. It is self-evidently pathetic and deceptive.
How can anyone not see this, especially our professional political reporters? There are pockets of sense out there: the NYT editorial page, Tom Ricks, Keith Olbermann, and very few others. It seems to me the Number 1 responsibility of any professional journalist is to examine closely the message/PR/spin that any powerful organization hires squads of wordsmiths to compose. It's what we all do as sophomores in college. The only explanation must be that their editors expect them not to perform even the most rudimentary fact-checking -- especially since these spoon-fed messages have been wrong time after time.
Year-by-year, month-by-month, now even day-to-day, we're treated to a different rationale for the Iraq war from a different President George W. Bush....

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