Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Paglia on Bush , Cheney, and Obama, etc.

Here's a fun bit of observation from audacious scholar and social critic Camille Paglia on

I've always felt that liberals' hatred of Bush is misplaced. I feel pity for him -- he is a genuinely tragic figure who made the wrong choices and destroyed the promise of his presidency. His sense of divine election and destiny, a defense mechanism that allows him to survive that crushing job, is of course positively dangerous for the country. At this point, it seems Bush's persona will never mature in office. As he blustered with dangling arms and stiff cowboy legs to the podium during last week's South American junket, I felt embarrassed at his lack of diplomatic courtesy and simple savoir faire. Confident manhood does not need to constantly strike poses.

I'm glad she is back online.

1 comment:

Doug said...

She is provoking, that's for sure. I agree with a lot of what she says, but I think she is off base in characterizing the MSM as "liberal".Perhaps they used to be but, not these days with the corporate management of the MSM neutering their news operations and the obvious chumming and co-socialization of the chattering classes with the Washington power set. No more "truth to power" (the traditional role of the press in a democracy) to counter-balance the inherently corrupting nature of running the most powerful nation on earth.