This is another example of the mess we are in. We sure have taken care of those welfare queens. For how long can we continue to increase the spread between the haves and have-nots? What does history show about societies that stomp the poor while the upper classes waste and celebrate? It can't be healthy. It's not American and it certainly is not what make America once great. This is not even in the best interests of the Haves in the long run.
The plight of the severely poor is a distressing sidebar to an unusual economic expansion. Worker productivity has increased dramatically since the brief recession of 2001, but wages and job growth have lagged behind. At the same time, the share of national income going to corporate profits has dwarfed the amount going to wages and salaries. That helps explain why the median household income of working-age families, adjusted for inflation, has fallen for five straight years...
The share of poor Americans in deep poverty has climbed slowly but steadily over the last three decades. But since 2000, the number of severely poor has grown "more than any other segment of the population," according to a recent study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
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